
About Letreco

Word games are commonly about English words, such as the Wordle game, the Strands NYT game, or the Crossword game. It used to be rare to find a puzzle game about other languages.

However, it was just the story of the past. Now, we have the Letreco game, a wonderful game for people who are learning Portuguese or want to improve their knowledge of the language.

Since Brazil also uses Portuguese, Letreco is also a decent means for you to prepare yourself before starting a new life in Brazil or opting for an academic program there. Players have to utilize their source of Portuguese words to precisely determine the hidden Portuguese word of the game.

How To Play The Letreco Game?

The Letreco game is featured with a layout of a blank table containing 6 rows and 5 columns. The number of rows tells you about the amount of guesses you can make in the game to find the secret word of the game. Meanwhile, 5 columns represent the number of letters that must be included in a word guess. Briefly, you will have 6 chances to guess a 5-letter Portuguese word in the Letreco game.

The word you submit in the Letreco game must be a valid Portuguese word, or else the game won't accept your guess. What's more, the game won't approve words from other languages; only Portuguese words are counted as valid. Once you submit a word guess, the Letreco game will give you feedback in the form of colors. Find out the meanings below.

Meanings Of Colors In The Letreco Game

Three colors will bring different meanings as a way of guiding players:

  • The green color shows up when a letter is contained in the secret word, and it is perfectly put in the right position of the guessed word.
  • The yellow color is for letters that are also parts of the solution word. Yet, green letters are staying in the wrong position of the guessed words. They must be located somewhere else in the solution word.
  • The plum red color will indicate which letters are not suitable for the word guess. Plum-red letters are not included in the hidden word, so avoid using them in your subsequent guesses.
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